The evolutionary
insurance technology,

Reinvest the right way.

 The guide to creating a future-forward modernization strategy. 

Technical debt is a growing concern as insurers transition towards next-gen systems, compounded by rising tech complexity.

After over 450 software transformations over 25 years, we've formed a practical approach to address these complexities. With a focus on people, processes, and technology, we ensure evolutionary modular systems. Get the full strategy here

What's in the guide:

Future-proof design through system decoupling.
Silos reduction with structured data governance.
Momentum build-up via lighthouse projects.
Improvement and resilience with observability practices.
Security and compliance integration in development.
Productivity boost through developer experience effort.


Take the first step to future-proof your systems ↓

Reinvest the right way: Build systems that last

Fully embrace modernization. Implement strategies that simplify systems and ensure adaptability: This is the road for ambitious, innovative teams.

Achieve simplified, efficient systems.
Avoid accumulating technical debt.
Create systems that adapt to business growth.
Achieve simplified, efficient systems.
Overcome hidden challenges with scalable solutions.

Ebook pages

Why Praxent

A partner from end-to-end

We work with your legacy systems to foster agility, keep pace with the competition, and turn vision into reality: delivering flexible, scalable, and user-centric insurance solutions.


Talk to Grant
